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Les Cultes à  mystères dans l'antiquité

Walter Burkert

Le livre de Walter Burkert permet de comprendre mieux ce que représentaient pour les hommes et les femmes de l’Antiquité les initiations aux mystères: mystères d'Eleusis, mystères dionysiaques, mystères de la Grande Mère, mystères d'Isis, mystères de Mithra, et tant d'autres. S'il réu…


Books on Mithras

A TNM selection of books on Mithras, its cult, and related subjects.

Mithraic art. A search for unpublished and unidentified monuments

Mithraic art. A search for unpublished and unidentified monuments

Al. N. Oikonomides

What is known by now as the special branch of "Mithraic Studies," grows in the international bibliography almost day by day. Thanks to the great works of F. Cumont and S. J. Vermaseren, we know the majority of the archaeological and art monuments which fo…

The personalities of Mithra in archaeology and literature

The personalities of Mithra in archaeology and literature

A. D. H. Bivar

Mithraism was a widespread religion under the Roman Empire. Many scholars insist the influential cult of Roman Mithraism, however shrouded its origins, was essentially a western innovation. This work approaches the question from the other side, looking fo…

Les Contes du labyrinthe

Les Contes du labyrinthe

Alain Daniélou

Cinq contes, situés dans la région du Latium, au sud de Rome, sont réunis sous ce titre. Figure tutélaire de l’œuvre de Daniélou, le labyrinthe est également le nom du lieu-dit où il élut domicile à son retour en Occident. La dominante auto…

Mithriaca IV. Le Monument d'Ottaviano Zeno et le culte de Mithra sur le Célius

Mithriaca IV. Le Monument d'Ottaviano Zeno et le culte de Mithra sur le Célius

Maarten Jozef Vermaseren

Ce IVe fascicule de Mithriaca concerne un très curieux monument exhumé au XVIe siècle sur le site d'un Mithraeum romain qu'on localise tout près de l'église S. Maria in Domnica, non loin de S. Stefano Rotondo où un autre spelaeum fut mis au jour en …

The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries. Cosmology & Salvation in the Ancient World

The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries. Cosmology & Salvation in the Ancient World

David Ulansey

In the centuries following the conquests of Alexander the Great the dramatic unification of the Mediterranean world created exceptionally fertile soil for the growth of new religions. Christianity, for example, was one of the innovative religious movement…

Planetary gods and planetary orders in the mysteries of Mithras

Planetary gods and planetary orders in the mysteries of Mithras

Roger Beck

'The book requires careful reading, because the style is tight and the plot is complex, but there can be no doubt that it is one of the most challenging, creative, and convincing monographs written on the Mithraic Mysteries.' John R. Hinnells, Journal of…

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Monographs on monuments

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