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Les cultes de Mithra dans l'Empire romain

Laurent Bricault

Dans un monde rempli d’une multitude de dieux, Mithra, que l’on dit venir de Perse, rencontra dès la fin du Ier siècle de notre ère un succès fulgurant qui perdura plus de 300 ans d’un bout à l’autre de l’Empire romain et attira des dizaines de milliers d’adeptes. Phénomène à la …


Books on Mithras

A TNM selection of books on Mithras, its cult, and related subjects.

Les Religions orientales dans le paganisme romain

Les Religions orientales dans le paganisme romain

Franz-Valéry-Marie Cumont

Franz Cumont. — Les Religions orientales dans le paganisme romain, 4e éd. revue, illustrée et annotée. Un vol. in-8° carré de XVI et 339 pages. Paris, Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1929. L'ouvrage classique et magistral de notre eminen…

Les Gathas. Le livre sublime de Zarathoustra

Les Gathas. Le livre sublime de Zarathoustra


Zarathoustra (ou Zoroastre) est le grand oublié de l'histoire des religions. Il a fallu attendre le XIXe siècle pour que soit enfin déchiffrée la langue des écrits originels de Zarathoustra, les Gathas. Le message de ces hymnes d'une grande poésie s…

In the dark places of wisdom

In the dark places of wisdom

Peter Kingsley

A set of ancient inscriptions on marble found forty years ago in southern Italy, recording details so bewildering that scholars have kept silent about them. Strange evidence about a tradition of people who were mystics but who were so intensely practic…

Freemasonry, Mithraism and the Ancient Mysteries. Foundations of Freemasonry Series

Freemasonry, Mithraism and the Ancient Mysteries. Foundations of Freemasonry Series

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Several prominent masonic authors examine the evidence that Freemasonry is a descendent from the Ancient Mysteries in general and perhaps has some distant connection to Mithraism.

The Conference of the Birds

The Conference of the Birds

Farid ud-Din Attar

Composed in the twelfth century in north-eastern Iran, Attar's great mystical poem is among the most significant of all works of Persian literature. A marvellous, allegorical rendering of the Islamic doctrine of Sufism - an esoteric system concerned with …

Zurvanian Ceremony : Texts Zurvanism

Zurvanian Ceremony : Texts Zurvanism

Hashem Razi

In the present book the roots of this Abin have been examined. First, the author to the maximum of Zarwat and Memoirs of Horsemen and narratives in Zarvani's senses. The oldest. In continuation of Zoroastrian religion. The legend of two twins from the ori…

The Mysteries of Mithras. A Different Account

The Mysteries of Mithras. A Different Account

Attilio Mastrocinque

In this work, Attilio Mastrocinque cautions against an approach to Mithraism based on the belief that this mystic cult resembles Christianity. While both Christian and pagan authors testified that Mithraic elements were indeed borrowed, according to Attil…

Filosofía antigua, misterios y magia. Empédocles y la tradición pitagórica

Filosofía antigua, misterios y magia. Empédocles y la tradición pitagórica

Peter Kingsley

«Con verdaderas dotes detectivescas va recorriendo lo que esas maneras abusivas de interpretar el pasado filosófico llevan consigo; el radical desconocimiento de una Atlántida sumergida que va emergiendo en virtud de las artes filológicas de este sing…

Le Cycle de Mithra. Intégrale des romans et des nouvelles

Le Cycle de Mithra. Intégrale des romans et des nouvelles

Rachel Tanner

VIIIe siècle après Jésus-Christ : le culte de Mithra est devenu la religion officielle de l’Empire romain, et les autres cultes, dont celui de la petite secte chrétienne, sont férocement réprimés. Mais les mécontents s’agitent : peuples german…

Mystic Cults in Magna Graecia

Mystic Cults in Magna Graecia

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In Vergil’s Aeneid, the poet implies that those who have been initiated into mystery cults enjoy a blessed situation both in life and after death. This collection of essays brings new insight to the study of mystic cults in the ancient world, particular…

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