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Tauroctony medallion of Transylvania

This medallion belongs to a specific category of rounded pieces found in other provinces of the Roman world.
Medallion with Tauroctony of Transylvania

Medallion with Tauroctony of Transylvania

The New Mithraeum
23 Jan 2022
Updated on Sep 2023

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The killing of the bull, tramed by the dadophori and busts of Sol and Luna, fills two-thirds of the surface of this marble medallion that was discovered in Transylvania in 1864, in the ancient province of Dacia. One can distinguish in the lower third of the work, on the right, the chariot of the Sun, and on the left the banquet of Sol and Mithras. The original surface layer of the marble is lost; the surface, on the whole, is worn.

The slightly oval shape of the bas-relief permits it to be associated with a category of works that are circular in form and, according to the few examples
