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Tauroctonic medallion from Caesarea Maritima

The small medallion depicts three scenes from the life of Mithras, including the Tauroctony. It may come from the Danube area.
The New Mithraeum
18 Jun 2009
Updated on Nov 2023

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This artifact was a small circular medallion on which was depicted in bas relief, Mithras slaying the bull. This medallion, carved of white crystalline marble is 0.075 m in diameter and 0.01 m. in thickness. On its reverse a finished bevel reduces the reverse diameter to 0.065 m. while the reverse surface was left with a rough comb dressing.

The observe of the medallion is divided horizontally into two registers depicts three scenes from the life of Mithras. Mithras and associated figures in the upper register have been cut in much higher relief than the figures found in the smaller


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