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Raven from Stockstadt

The Stockstadt Raven is one of only two standing-alone sculptures of this bird to be found in Mithraic statuary.
Raven of Stockstadt

Raven of Stockstadt
The New Mithraeum / Andreu Abuín (CC BY-SA) 

The New Mithraeum
17 Jan 2022

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This sandstone statuette was found near the entrance of Mithraeum I at Stockstadt am Main. This sanctuary, which came to light in 1908 to the east of the Roman camp, was in use during the first half of the 3rd century. The work represents a raven with a tall and slender silhouette, standing upright on long legs with sharp claws. The plumage of the wings and tail is sketched with lightly incised lines. Traces of restoration are visible at the level of the bird's neck, beak and legs, as well as on the base supporting it. The head is composed of two fragments, one of which would have belonged to

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Mithraeum I of Stockstadt

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Votive plaque of Stockstadt

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